During its first meeting of the 2021-22 session on Wednesday, the House State Government Committee approved a series of bills to help the state government operate in a more efficient manner.
“The bills the committee approved today are not only clear examples of undertaking difficult work, but also making sure government is also working efficiently and hard for the taxpayers,” said Committee Chairman Seth Grove (R-Dover).
Three of the six bills approved seek to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution, including Grove’s House Bill 55, which proposes separate and distinct constitutional amendments relating to emergency disaster declarations, nondiscrimination protections, and presentment to the governor.
A similar version of House Bill 55 was approved last session. The measure would afford residents greater influence on emergency declarations through the General Assembly, which would have to approve extending a declaration beyond 21 days.
“Considering Pennsylvania residents are still living under a COVID-19 state of emergency declaration, and have been for about 10 months, it is important to move this question to voters quickly,” Grove said. “A declaration is meant to allow the governor to quickly address emergencies. It is not a vehicle for a single person to set policy that impacts Pennsylvanians and the state’s economy in perpetuity.”
The other two bills seeking constitutional amendments include House Bill 51, which proposes an amendment related to Taxation and Finance, providing for restrictions on budgetary surpluses, and House Bill 71, which would amend the Constitution to establish a cap on government spending and prevent tax hikes.
The three remaining bills include House Bill 52, which amends Title 72 (Taxation and Fiscal Affairs) to establish the State Council on Finance, House Bill 104, which amends Title 71 (State Government) to add a new chapter relating to the assessment and reduction of improper payments, and House Bill 108, which allows participation in the ‘Do Not Pay’ initiative for agencies managing funds disbursed from the U.S. Treasury.