Gov. Tom Wolf recently approved a waiver classifying battery manufacturer East Penn as a life-sustaining business, which allows it to operate during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Before the order was approved, only the distribution network and a few other essential areas were in operation. The company will restart its manufacturing operations by department, shift, and job classification.
To maintain social distancing, only half of the workforce will be brought back to work. A building manager or a representative from personnel will contact employees to inform them when to return to work.
Specialized jobs will be brought back to work based on necessity, skills, and experience.
East Penn cautions employees that those not recalled or those who choose to remain laid off will do so indefinitely. Workload will be determined by government mandates, the ability to keep employees safe, and the course of the pandemic.
Laid-off employees will be covered by East Penn healthcare benefits until at least April 30. The company will evaluate extending benefits past that date in late April.
The company urges employees to follow the appropriate process to maintain their unemployment compensation.
East Penn also urges employees to contact the company if the company does not have their current phone number on file.