Two bills, one in the state House and one in the Senate, would alleviate the burden placed on drivers and businesses whose tolls are used to build roads and bridges statewide.
The bills would provide Pennsylvania-based businesses and motorists a commuter tax credit that covers 50 percent of a taxpayer’s toll-related expenses for the tax year, up to $500. Tolls incurred on the Pennsylvania Turnpike or on bridges operating under the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission or the Delaware River Port Authority are eligible for the tax credit.
“Commuters, families, and businesses across southeastern Pennsylvania, who regularly pay tolls to maintain our roads and bridges, deserve the tax relief outlined in SB 451,” state Sen. Steve Santarsiero (D-Bucks County), who introduced SB 451, said at a press conference. “With this tax credit, local commerce can thrive and expand.”
The tax credit will reduce business and commuting costs and will spur economic development, Rep. Perry Warren (D-Lower Makefield Township), who introduced HB 329, said.
Santarsiero and Warren held a press conference near the Scudder Falls Bridge interchange in Lower Makefield to announce the bills.
Santarsiero has previously fought for the repeal of a reciprocity agreement between Pennsylvania and New Jersey on income taxes and advocated for a sound barrier along I-95.