Rep. Chris Quinn (R-Delaware) recently introduced legislation that would create a Landowner Bill of Rights to help property owners better understand their rights and responsibilities during eminent domain negotiations.
The legislation, House Bill 2609, would require the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General to create a brief document to provide information to property owners regarding land acquisition negotiations where eminent domain is being used.
Unfortunately, too many residents do not understand the laws and their rights in these situations,” Quinn said. “By having a resource available to residents that clearly outlines their rights, they will be more prepared and empowered to negotiate in their own best interest. Without this information, people can feel overpowered by land agents or others, leaving them with a sense of helpless and dissatisfaction. Ultimately, this bill is about empowerment through information.
Quinn said he introduced the legislation after hearing that many residents felt pressured to give up land rights during the early stages of the Mariner East 2 pipeline project. He noted that the bill does not specifically target Sunoco.
“Under current law, information is not readily accessible to the public,” Quinn said. “I want to ensure more clarity and transparency, so property owners know exactly what their rights are.”