Appalachian Regional Commission funding five projects

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The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), an economic development entity focused on counties in the Appalachian Region, recently awarded five projects $16.9 million in Appalachian Regional Initiative for Stronger Economies (ARISE) funding.

“By combining multi-state collaboration with innovative partnerships, ARC’s ARISE projects serve as models for how we can work as one, united Appalachia to maximize economic growth,” ARC Federal Co-Chairwoman Gayle Manchin said. “I congratulate our newest ARISE grantees and am proud to have announced them in the presence of many of our federal, state, and local partners at ARC’s annual conference. I have no doubt that these ARISE projects — which include both planning and implementation grants — will build on previous successes and result in greater opportunities for our Appalachian people and communities.”

Four projects benefit Pennsylvania:

The Beneficial Electrification League was awarded $4.5 million to modernize electric utility grid infrastructure.

The Appalachian Investors Alliance was awarded $3.9 million to establish micro-venture and angel funds for entrepreneurs and small businesses and to launch the Appalachian Venture Foundry to prepare businesses for investments.

Carnegie Melon University was awarded $500,000 to plan for job skills matching and career support services.

The Pennsylvania Environmental Council was awarded $72,219 for improved trail connectivity to boost tourism.